
The agony caused by the longing to see God is not sorrow; it is bliss. The state that we attain by calling and crying to God is equal to the bliss that the yogi experiences in samadhi.
When we take each step forward with positive thoughts and a smile, all good qualities will come to us and fill our being.  Then God cannot possibly stay away from us.
If you make an effort to cultivate just one good quality, all the other good qualities will develop naturally within you.
The conservation of nature will be possible only when people fully recognize that they are a part of nature.
The tree can't emerge until the outer shell of the seed breaks.  Similarly, you cannot know the Truth without totally destroying the ego.
To awaken spiritual unity and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature is the true goal of human life.
Constant remembrance of God, irrespective of time and place, is real devotion.
Meditation increases your vitality and strengthens your intelligence. Your mental clarity and health improve. You acquire the patience and fortitude to face any problem in life. So, meditate! Only through meditation will you find the treasure you are seeking.
